
Showing posts from December, 2019
fooooooood!!!!! Hello, every buddy today I’ll talk about something that I love so much, I’ll talk about eating but a little more specific about my favorite meal. This is kind of a difficult question because I eat basically every kind of foot and I have eaten many differences dishes from many places. I love cooking from Paraguay, I already live there for one year. The weather there is totally different than here in Chile so I could taste many different ingredient I ate mandioca, M’burucuya, mangos, avocados ( they were huge like watermelons ), lemon ( they are orange but inside they are green so crazy). I ate mondongo, it is cow or pig intestines, vaka akangue yvuguy( I kwon it sound so weird but it is a cow’ s head cooked inside of a hole in the ground, so I think it is easier asking to my what is the meal that I don’t like. So, something that I miss so much is mandio chyryry, the translation of it is fried mandioca it is kind of French fries because mandioca is a root and I mi